Despite the massive wave of surburbia across eastern Loudoun,
"Beautiful landscapes remain in Loudoun," writes Noel Grove, co-author of
The Lure of Loudoun, a gorgeous book that reveals the historical roots that underpin Loudoun's feeling of Place
. "On back roads, one can still see rolling green hills dotted by farm buildings and stone houses dating from earlier centuries . . . They are maintained by longstanding residents whose love of the region has been passed on by their forebears, and by people of means who can pay the high taxes and resist the tempting purchase offers made by developers. If the same values, the same means, and conservation easements protecting undeveloped areas are not passed on to their children, the remaining open land of the county will disappear. When the vistas become rooftops, when meadows and forests have disappeared. . . , when water is scarce . . ., what then will be the lure of Loudoun?"
Great post! I grew up here in Loudoun, then between school and a military career I was away for 30 years. I'm back and this is something I worry about now every day.
In my opinion, we(Loudoun) must research every historical fact about the county and aggressively market it to those groups interested in that history.
Then, we must attempt to make Loudoun a U.S Park of American History. While other parts of the U.S., Lancaster, PA and Lexington, KY, for example, are equally as beautiful as Loudoun, neither will ever be 45 minutes from D.C. We take the federal dollars and beautify Loudoun, attracting visitors to its beautiful country drives and rich history, making Loudoun the 'days-drive, historic, national park' for D.C.'s demographic.
EXCELLENT idea. How can we all get involved in making this happen?
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